Unveiling Orcas' Dark Side and Ocean Conservation Efforts

In Today's Email:

  • Orcas' Frightening New Behaviors: A Dive Deeper Into the Unknown

  • Aggressor Adventures and SSI Spearhead Auction for Ocean Conservation

Orcas' Frightening New Behaviors: A Dive Deeper Into the Unknown

Photo: The Asahi Shimbun Premium via Getty Images

The peaceful facade of orcas, also known as killer whales, might be undergoing a terrifying transformation, as these majestic marine mammals are reportedly picking up some rather chilling new behaviors. From relishing shark livers to tossing about porpoises for amusement, orcas are showcasing a dark side that's both fascinating and fearsome. This newfound menacing mirth isn't just confined to the deep blue; they've taken their act topside, targeting fishing vessels off the Iberian Peninsula and extending their menacing fins as far north as Scotland. Scientists are left scratching their heads, trying to decode whether this is a case of killer whales living up to their name or a sign of them scaling the evolutionary ladder. But one thing's for sure, these apex predators are redefining the term 'killer' in killer whale, making the waters a tad more thrilling, and chilling​1 ​​2 ​​3 ​.

Aggressor Adventures and SSI Spearhead Auction for Ocean Conservation

Drawing a lifeline to our oceans, Aggressor Adventures and SSI have dovetailed to orchestrate an online auction, all in a bid to pad the coffers of the Sea of Change Foundation. With the hammer set to fall between October 16 and November 18, 2023, the auction is a treasure trove of over 50 items, from coveted dive gear to exclusive trips. And the cherry on top? Four epic sea adventures are on the bidding block, promising the highest bidders a splash of luxury and a dive into the unknown​1 ​.

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